Thursday, June 12, 2014

I'mmmmm BAAACK

I say that in more than one way. :)

1. Time to dust off the cobwebs and get back to blogging. I do not have a legitimate excuse as to why I have been MIA this school year. My class was FAB, first grade was marvelous, life was good. Just blogging was not my number 1 priority! I wanted to focus on learning the curriculum this year rather than be all over pinterest or blog stalking... which is silly, i know. I did still do some stalking, just not as much in years past! :)

2. I am moving back to Kindergarten! So a) my blog name applies to what I am doing again and b) back to my old "stomping ground" if you will. Now, don't get me wrong. I absolutely LOVED first grade but there were also things I desperately missed about kindergarten. So, this is a bitter sweet move for sure... excited to get back to the amazing parts of kinder though and flash forward through the first 2-3 months of school  and see those sweet babies on the first day of school!!

Not only am I moving back to kindergarten but I am also moving to a new school. This has been a change I have been craving for quite some time. I am so incredibly excited for a new adventure next year, new community, new coworkers, the whole shebang. It was for sure an emotional exit leaving the place I found myself as an educator and have spent the last 7 years of my life, but it's a great change! :)

I am excited for a new year and lots of new things I want to put in place in my classroom such as Daily Five & Guided Math. I will be sharing more about that later. I first must survive Summer School! :(

Stay Tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the change! I made the same move as you at the start of this year (Australian blogger- we are only mid-year now) after 7 years. Finding it more challenging than I'd expected but it was what I needed too. Good luck & I hope you survived the packing because I hadn't realised how much junk I had accumulated. I still haven't sorted it all out :)
    Books, Bugs and Boxes
