Amy Lemons at Step into Secondgrade is hosting a get-to-know-you linky!

I was so excited when I stumbled upon this linky party! I've never done a get-to-know-you this is a first! I've been hoping to get some more followers too, so you never know... maybe this will help! ;) Alright--- here we go!
1.) This is my 6th year teaching kindergarten! I will say... it is definitely not the grade I was hoping for, however I have fallen in love with it! I love the growth you see from beginning to end of the year, I love the LOVE you get from the little ones, and I absolutely love the things we teach throughout the year.
2.) My school is 3 miles from the town I grew up in. Not s use if this is a good or bad thing... haha. I am definitely ready for a new adventure in my life.. guess we will see what's next.
3.) I went to Oklahoma Baptist University, it's a small christian college outside Oklahoma City. I was blessed to make some wonderful friends & get a great education.
4.) I am a momma of an almost 4 year old lab/border collie mix named Dakota. He is one of the best things in my life. :)
5.) I also started my own side photography business as you can see the logo above! I have done all type of portraits but my real passion is for animals! We will see if it ever turns into anything more, but for now it is just something that I enjoy to do. Dakota is my best model! :)
6.) I love all things apple! I am sort of obsessed... iPhone, iPod, iPad, Macbook pro, it's a problem. :)
7.) I, like all of us, LOVE pinterest. It's ridiculous... but i get so many great ideas for everything here. Best.Idea.Ever. You can follow my boards by clicking the link below! :)
8.) I have the best friends a girl could ask for. I recently have gone through a break up, and it's been one of the hardest things ever for me. God has definitely blessed me in many ways, but one is putting my best friend Steph in my life. We get into all sorts of random adventures together--- for example, yesterday we decided to go check out the new Michaels that opened up by my school. Little did we know this was the grand opening! It was BANANAS I tell you... we got to see a live craft wars which comes on TLC... got to make all sorts of random things, and the best part was that we got to take our photo with GLOSSY. :)
yes, we are complete nerds.... |
9.) I got to attend an awesome conference in VEGAS a few weeks ago, and see some of my favorite bloggers (Deanna Jump) present. It was so great, and actually got me excited for school!! I got tons of great ideas for my room and have been a busy bee working up there to get things ready. I like to get up there and done before August. Beat the crowds, i like to say, otherwise I am chatty cathy and get nothing done!
10.) I would looooooove to eventually move to one of the following places... Boston (yes, I know my texas booty would be FROZEN but I love, love, love it there!)... California (I would have been able to tell you southern cali before visiting San Fran this past may, now I think I would be happy either place.... or Colorado (just love me some mountains!)
Alright, well that's all I've got!
Link up! I have loved reading all the blogs so far... and love makin new friends! :)